"I cleave the heavens, and soar to the infinite. What others see from afar, I leave far behind me." Giordano Bruno (1548 – February 17, 1600)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Art, Books, Movies, Music, and all that jazz

"A true critic ought to dwell upon excellencies rather than imperfections, to discover the concealed beauties of a writer, and communicate to the world such things as are worth their observation." 
Joseph Addison 
It is all a point of view. Rediscovering my old blogs and and what I want to do with each of them. So what the hell am I going to do with them? Well that is finally coming to some sort of epiphany of thought and hopefully leading to a new era - for each and every one of them.

The new era for "The Celestial Poet" will encompass the multitude of themes not covered by the theme dedicated blogs. Some of those blogs may, on occasion, share posts with this one. This one is however going to be about me, my interests and on occasions my ramblings as a  mad poet and writer.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Yearning for the chic

Barbie A Fashion Fairytale

Yesterday, as I wandered through my district in Vienna (well my part of that district), I realised how few shops had any decent chic or elegant summer clothes this year. The softer look, or even a bolder elegance. This year seems to be all about colour - in your face colour, not much choice of pretty softer colours or bold elegant colours.

I don’t think it is getting older that is driving this yearning for a chicer or elegant look. I am sure there will be plenty of women who live in Vienna, of all ages, embracing the “new” season’s colours. Colours, which crop up every 4 to 5 years, in an endless cycle, by a need of some fashion houses, designers, and manufacturers to satisfy the “what do we do next” question. I get the impression, that when they can’t find an answer, they rush for the in your face colours, that can’t even be described as primary colours. I actually like primary colours.

So it begins...AGAIN!

A number of circumstances in the past few year, saw me abandoning any attempt to add posts to this blog. Well the time has now come to revive. It has been a long journey getting back here, culminating last year in the loss of the dearest person in the world. My one constant support and lifeline through my entire life - my Dad. He was with me, even when I failed to see it. I still believe he is with me now, just not there when I would like to talk to him. he liked my blogs when I started them, and I owe it to him to revive them.